Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Low Quality Democracy= Low Quality Life

Some one said democracy is the rule 'of the people, by the people and for the people'. What happens if the people are idiots? It gets one the rule' of the idiots, by the idiots and for the idiots  What happens if the people are of low quality in terms of brain power, education, competence, efficiency, productivity, scientific and technological innovation? One gets the rule of' the uneducated, unproductivity, inefficient, incompetent, backward and low quality brains.
The number of countries under democracy is very large today. But most of them has succeeded in ensuring low quality life for the citizens. West Bengal is only one of the many illustrations. West Bengal electorate has voted to power a Communist Party (Marxist)-led Leftist coalition for the last three decades. Earlier their was the Congress Government in this State which ruled for 25 years. All these governments have largely been incompetent and dismal failures. Democracy ensures low quality governments. The political parties that contest and win elections are led by very low quality persons (there are of course a few exceptions in that there were / are few politicians who wee/ are competent and have more than average quality brain. The political party workers and supporters are overwhelmingly of low qualitry brains. Democracy is the rule of numbers. If most people are of low quality brains, the politicians are only expected to be of low quality brains. When you have low quality brains rule a State, it is only natural that citizens will enjoy only low quality life. For months, political murders are continuing unabated, Maoist terrorists are killing policemen and innocent people along with low-level leaders and workers of political parties that participate in democracy. The ministers and bureacrats only admit of failures and promises to improve: they are incapable of anticipating troubles or planning for exigencenies or even visualising the consequences of their incompetence and low-quality brain induced actions on the citizens' lives. Recently, just 40 or so armed Maoists attacked a camp of the State armed forces, killing half of the personnel deployed in the camp to fight the Maoists and wounding some more.
The State's bureacrats' are unperturbed by this incident: they say that the Maoists attacked when their forces were not ready enough and they had no information that the Maoists were going to attack in this manner. Their political bosses are busy arranging gun-salute in honor of the departed para-military personel. The ruling party complains of inadequate co-ordination of the joint State-Central forces deployed to contain the Maoists. The elite debating personalities come on TV to condemn such attacks by the Maoists on the hapless State forces taking rest in the camp. Some are accusing the police forces of oppressing the common people in the Maoist-terrorist infested localities while failing to deal with the Maoists. There is concern over human rights violation by the State police forces. Some great thinkers among them talk about neglect of economic development of the areas where people had no choice but to support the Maoist terrorits. Some complain that the Maoists are getting weapons from China. Some low-brained experts comment that the Maoist terrorism can not be solved militarily: the solution has to be political.The ruling communists party is running out of explanation for what is happening: only option left is to blame all this on the US CIA. But no one has the brain-pwer and competence to design and deliver an effective solution.

When wolves attack goats and cows, the low brained creatures get killed. Democracy does not help democratic goats. Less democratic dogs can defend themselves better. More democratic monkeys may do that even better than dogs. Low-quality brains can only deliver low quality democracy - whether of the capitalistic or communist or socialist or religious variety.
Empty vessels sound much. Empty brains talk and lecture more. Since low quality brains seldom understand what is meant by high quality brains, they depend on vocal power and number power. Low quality brains are seldom ashamed by their failures and shoddy performance. Long live low quality brains around the World!!!